つむぎねのコンセプト | concept


つむぎね音楽の最大の特徴は、楽譜を使わないことです。それぞれ小さな音の粒子でしかなく、1人だけでは成り立たない。そのため1人1音を非常にシンプルなルールをもとに発し、互いに重なり、影響しあい、大きな一つの響きを形成する方法で作られ、絵本「スイミー」のように粒子が複数集まり、時間と空間など様々な偶然の要素により常に変化しながら新しい響きを生み出していきます。 その単純なルールは、人間誰もが持つが、みな異なる「呼吸」などといった身体的な特徴をトリガーとし、音楽的素養や技術は必要とせず、誰でも出来るとてもシンプルなアプローチで音楽を形成していきます。




Original method of expression

Scoreless, lively Music
I would like to be engaged in musical expression which makes use of the way on a real-time basis, with flexibility for sound to change depending on the circumstances. Therefore;
・Prescribing the way without the use of time signatures.
・Using these characteristics of the body and individual differences as triggers for varying the sound.
・Creating the flow of music according to rules based on the natural rhythms of the human body and the communication
 between performers.
 (e.g. the length of sound is proportional to each player’s length of breath, two players toss the sound back and forth )

Also, this allows for the performers to create different outcomes in every perfcontributing to the sense that this is a “living music.” And everyone can participate in its performance without specialized techniques or specialized notation.

Spatial and site-specific sound composition
I aim to create a three dimensional sound created through time and space, which can only be experienced by being in the space itself. Therefore, I use the method as follows;
・Composition includes the performer’s arrangement in space and their distance from each other
・Not separating the stage and audience
・Standing and playing to surround the audience in various positions , and move while performing to create the change of
 sound in the space.

New expression of music receiving with various senses
Each piece is not separated from each other with intervals for work as one theater piece represents one thing on the whole including lighting and costumes.

My intension is not to create stages which is a mixture of music and performance as already seen in opera or musical. By our performance, I aim to show the new approach of “listening to sounds”. It means that audience have time to face themselves and seek each meanings through act of “listening to sounds”. One of my goals is to establish new expression in which audience can receive freely the sound with all sense.