つむぎね新作公演 Tsumugine new performance 『 ○ 』

Photo by Hatori Naoshi / Provided by Aichi Prefectural Art Theater

今回は、トーキョーワンダーサイトのイベント OPEN SITE 2016-2017 Project A <推奨プログラム>にて単独公演を実施します。

Tsumugine will have a new performance named “◯”. The performance will held at “OPEN SITE 2016-2017 Project A <Recommended Program>”organized by Tokyo Wonder Site. The venue is Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo which is the same space where we performed our first performance “Ne,” 8 years ago. We will show a new performance which evolved through the leader Yasuno Miyauchi’s New York experiences during her stay there. Please come and enjoy it!



-OPEN SITE 2016-2017 Project A <推奨プログラム>

開 演: 3/ 25 (土) 15:00開演 (14:30開場)/19:30 開演 (19:00開場)
3/ 26 (日) 15:00 開演 (14:30開場)

会 場: トーキョーワンダーサイト本郷

1. E-mailまたはFaxにて予約を受け付けます。
E-mail: ticket@tokyo-ws.org / Fax: 03-5689-7501
2. 氏名、電話番号、ご希望の公演名、日時、人数をご記載のうえ、件名を「オープンサイト申込み」としてお申込みください。( Faxでご予約の場合は返信のFax番号もあわせてお知らせください。)
3. 代金は公演当日会場にてお支払いください。
4. 各公演とも定員になり次第、または公演前日の17:00をもって予約受付を終了します。 当日券の有無はこちらのページでご確認ください。

出演: 宮内康乃、ArisA、浦畠晶子、大島菜央、筒井キリイ、ほか

主 催: 公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団トーキョーワンダーサイト

Tsumugine “○”

“○” is Tsumugine’s new performance work. The title has many meanings – circle, community, all things, and emptiness. The title transcends language and refers to the origin of everything. This is like a ceremony which may be held at the beginning of spring to celebrate a return to the source and rebirth.

-OPEN SITE 2016-2017 Project A <Recommendation Program>
Date: 2017.03.25(Sat) – 2017.03.26(Sun)
Mar. 25 (Sat.) 15:00 (Doors Open: 14:30)/19:30 (Doors Open: 19:00)
Mar. 26 (Sun) 15:00 (Doors Open: 14:30)

Venue: Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo
Admission: 2,500 yen

Artist: Yasuno Miyauchi, ArisA, Akiko Urahata, Nao Oshima, Killii Tsutsui and others
Organize: Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Tokyo Wonder

1. Booking should be made by E-mail or Fax.
Email: ticket@tokyo-ws.org / Fax: 03-5689-7501
2. Please inform us of your name, phone number, date/ time/ name of the performance and number of tickets with a subject of “Booking for OPEN SITE”. (On booking by Fax, please let us know your Fax number, too.)
3. Payment should be made at the venue on the day of performance.
4. Booking will be closed by 17:00 of the day before each performance, or as soon as the seats are fully booked. For the latest ticket information, please check this page.

Please see the details on this link page.

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